
Rise of the Rejects

album: Real Testament
genre: Comedy
streams: 40
creation date: 2013-07-12

  Song Information
My material is not written with the intent TO offend anyone. However, if you do get offended, this is not my problem. Offense is taken, NOT given. The views...
Rise of the Rejects
Lyrical Princess
07/12/13 05:10:54PM @lyrical-princess:
Obviously I'm not offended easily.. I'm back for more...I feel sorry for anyone without a sense of humor.. I chose to listen to this because I like the title. ~ Can of beans & tuna part made me lmao too.. The visual is Hilarious. I really like people that make up words as they go too.. And there's a part in here that made really stop and reflect on myself... Some food for thought.. Thank you..

All The Best,


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