chris moore
chris moore
chris moore

Category: these things are sent to try us...

Not a good day in Bordeaux

By chrismoore, 2011-08-03
Not a good day in Bordeaux

August 2nd 2011, not a good day in Bordeaux.  You don't want to look out the front door and see this when your studio is in the basement...

The morning started fine, hot and sunny, the clouds arrived in the afternoon, temperature in the nineties, suddenly it got very dark, and then about 3 inches of rain hit the city in half an hour.  The water started rising in the street and had just about crept up to the bottom of the basement window, then the rain died off and I breathed a huge sigh of relief... but a little too early.

Suddenly, across the road, a man-hole cover decided it had had enough and jumped into the air, followed by an enormous fountain of "used water" as the French like to call it, and the level started to rise again, but this time not with clean fresh rainwater but a grey looking sludge that didn't smell too great. Luckily it stopped 2 inches below the top step at the front door, (some of my neighbours weren't so lucky) but that is about 6 inches above the basement window, and a little above the level of the extractor fan outlet from my studio.

Panic ensues, me running up and down the basement stairs carrying guitar, synths, amps, computers, speakers, mics, anything I could get my hands on as the stinking grey water started its inexorable rise around my feet.

In the end it only got to about six inches (my defences are better than the last time it happened) and the electricity stayed on, so I was able to pump it out within a few hours, but not much music is likely to be made in there for a little while, I think.

Ah well. There are good days and bad days that go to make up a fulfilling life, I guessUndecided