Clayborne Fox
Clayborne Fox

Jonny Boy the Snake

album: Clayborne Fox
genre: Acapella
streams: 54
creation date: 2009-01-09

  Song Information
Pure rock and roll blues. Starts slow, gets nasty.
Jonny Boy the Snake
01/10/09 12:45:08PM @the-autumleaf:
Cool Cool Number.... Loved the guitar works Excellent!!!! The Bass... the Drums ..... all sound Perfect and cool vocals ...very well performed....delightful listen. Very well produced .....Had fun listening .... great stuff
Jay from the Autumnleaf

Rob Grant
01/09/09 12:07:13PM @rayon-vert:
A fun listen, a fun story, with some FINE STRAT guitar work. I found myself in anticipation of what was next to come.......very cool!!! GO BASS, DUDE!!!! :-) and Give the drummer some!!!! and the cliche' made it so much fun.........GREAT WORK!!!


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