
Category: New Song By Jackson_Hart

Another New Release By Jackson_Hart

By Jackson_Hart, 2009-12-06
Another New Release By Jackson_Hart

<p><strong>JACKSON_HART</strong> are back in action to bring you another hard hitting song called<strong> "THE UNTOLD STORY".</strong> Thank you to our fans, we are back with a new one!</p><p>So&nbsp;grab a seat, buckle your&nbsp;seat belts&nbsp; and hold on tight...reach for the volume and crank&nbsp;this&nbsp;beast!!</p><p>Please welcome Special guest bassist <strong>ROB GRANT</strong>&nbsp;to the party!! He has provided <strong>JACKSON_HART</strong>&nbsp;with a solid bottom to our new song!</p><p>&nbsp;<a href="http://www2.mixposure.com/Jackson_Hart/song_focus_15876.php">http://www2.mixposure.com/Jackson_Hart/song_focus_15876.php</a></p><p>We hope you enjoy our new song!!</p><p>Rock on!</p><p><strong>JACKSON_HART</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p>