Jim Easton
Jim Easton

Almost Lovers

album: Ashley
genre: Alternative
streams: 127
creation date: 2011-05-14

Almost Lovers
07/10/18 06:56:45PM @moequinn:
this is beautiful ~ I can't listen to this without getting emotional it touches my heart so much
carol sue
10/20/17 06:21:42PM @carol-sue:
Love it, love, love love! :)
08/28/11 05:48:26PM @cooter:
So nicely done. Always a pleasure hearing music this well done, on all counts. Beautiful.


Jim Easton
05/15/11 08:18:25AM @jim-easton:
Thx Jim, I was never really happy with my original mix on this tune so this is a remix.
05/16/11 05:57:58PM @bigpete:
See I much fun it is to reinvent a song, great job Jim.


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