Lazy Jane
Lazy Jane

What Can You Do (with Abby Owens)

album: Album I.
genre: Folk-Rock
streams: 45
creation date: 2012-04-02

What Can You Do (with Abby Owens)
04/15/12 11:58:58AM @dolce:
I agree with fellows that came before me, the drums distract from the simple beauty of this song. I LOVE everythiing else about it and the vocals are superb and very eloquently evoke emotion in the listener.


04/03/12 09:12:51AM @cooter:
Minimalist maximus. I love this.

What a well written and superbly delivered tune. Mighty fine vocal. A great listen.


04/03/12 12:21:41AM @gene-smith:
"Welcome to Mixposure and WOW!"

This is a fantastic piece, once again Abby's voice really cuts through. The acoustic parts just so fit! I would so much like to hear more.


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