The Full Quid
The Full Quid

Shes so Easy

album: The Whirl around
genre: Country
streams: 49
creation date: 2010-11-07

Shes so Easy
02/20/11 10:40:38PM @the-bard-brothers:
Steel guitar... I've never had the guts to play it. I am torn with this one... it has the British feel that is so much a part of your style and then there's the country aspect. I wonder if you should have two songs here. Like you have the piano break. Would it work as two halves, the first more rock, then the piano break into the country or vice versa. Hmmm... you've got me wondering here.
11/08/10 05:36:29AM @the-humps:
Interesting song, the chorus threw me a bit but I gave this a couple listens and like LODATO said it grew on me!! I like the vocals on this track, I like your singing approach!! Cool track,


11/07/10 08:10:49PM @lodato:
This song just grows on you in a very nice way.


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