The Full Quid
The Full Quid

Category: whatever happened to so and so ?


By wilberry, 2009-07-10

<p>what is that magical age when you reach it you become invisible ? As a man you notice things , inside your self you feel 25 but girls of 25 do not want to have a coversation with you. Old friends ignore your e-mails. No one bothers to call you anymore even if you call them a few times a year. " out of site out of mind' is the old saying.</p><p>&nbsp;People you have known all your life refuse to listen to your MP3 's that you send or CD 's that you carefully mail , they sit collecting dust&nbsp;on some kitchen cabinet or office table. Even friends you have made in more recent times no longer listen to your songs they become too involved in their own trials and tribulations . They instictively know you have reac hed the age of irrelavance .</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; tell them about a new web site where you have a lot of new songs and it becomes to difficult for them to find your page . Send them a direct link and maybe they will click on it maybe not .</p><p>Music means many things too many people in many different ways . Un fourtunately so does life . when you reach that magic age of irrelavence it can at first be a shock but such is life . In a society that worships the very young you just don't have a place anymore . Your music is " old timey "</p><p>&nbsp;Your thoughts , your insights are drowned &nbsp;in a sea of new want&nbsp;to be talents . Your only hope is live performance for a few straggling old timers that clap enthusiasticaslly and then shuffle back to their closets until the next years wine festival.</p><p>&nbsp; What is that magical age when life looses its wonder and becomes a series of plodding events leading to invisibilty ?</p>